
Self Help and Abundant Living with an Open Mind

SHALOM is a center for excellence in Education, Counseling, Supervision, and Training

through practice of Transactional Analysis (TA).

Education is the process of training the mind. A healthy mind is essential for a healthy body and effective personality. Transactional Analysis is a versatile and easily understood theory of how our mind develops and functions. The practice of this theory trains the mind in awareness, which in turn promotes effectiveness through flexible functioning and adaptation. For young people,  TA helps to develop a healthy mind capable of continuous renewal and learning which unleashes the immense potential in them. For older people practice of TA helps develop the habit of unlearning, relearning and integration and continuous growth.

In short practice of TA promotes mental health and development of the mind 

to enable one to realise the power within them

to live healthy and happy lives.